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naturalized citizen vs citizen

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen - Section 3 Citizenship and Rights Act Essential Questions section: What does being an active and informed citizen of the United States involve?

2 Section 3 US Citizenship Which amendment defines citizenship? The 14th Amendment states that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, are citizens of the United States of America and of the state in which they reside." What two types of citizens are there? How do natural birth and naturalization define citizenship? Citizens - members of society who must be loyal to the government and in turn receive its protection

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen

UNIT 3 Advanced US Citizenship Natural Born Citizen Naturalized Citizen What is Blood Law? Parents are US citizens. What are the laws of that country? A fun fact born in a US state, territory or military base is that the President and Vice President must be born citizens. How to become a naturalized citizen? What are the legal requirements to become a US citizen? Age 18+ Legal permanent resident for 5 years Read, write and speak English Good moral character Understanding of US government and history (probationary period)

Green Card Vs. Citizenship

UNIT 3 Advanced US Citizenship Who is a Legal Permanent Resident? Who are foreign nationals with legal permission to live in the US? Who are immigrants who are not naturalized residents of the United States? Someone who comes to a new country to live there permanently

UNIT 3 OBLIGATIONS OF CITIZENS AND OBLIGATIONS TO BE OBLIGATIONS AKA NOT AN ALTERNATIVE EXAMPLE? Comply with State Retain Selective Service Law- 18 year old male applying for jury duty Alternative example? Vote Participate in civic gatherings Government petitions Nominate volunteers What do active and engaged citizens do? What happens if citizens do not fulfill their responsibilities?

UNIT 3 U.S. Advanced Citizen Duties and Responsibilities. Who benefits when citizens fulfill their responsibilities and obligations? Each person! The citizens themselves and the entire society will benefit. What is the "common good"? Example? Doing what's best for entire groups of people (volunteering, serving in the Peace Corps, etc.).

7 UNIT 3 Let's review being American! What kind of citizen are you, were you born or biological child? State one civic duty and why you think it is important. Name one civic responsibility and why you think it is important.

Citizenship Of The United States

UNIT 3 Becoming America's Bill of Rights Where is the Bill of Rights found? Bill of Rights = 1 1 Amendments to the US Constitution Who thinks we need a Bill of Rights, Federalist or Anti-Federalist? We need anti-federalist laws to prevent the federal government from taking away state or state citizens' rights.

UNIT 3 US Bill of Rights Advance First Amendment Freedom of Religion ESTABLISHMENT = Government cannot establish religion EXERCISE = Citizens are free to practice any religion 2. Freedom of speech LIMITS = Misrepresentation, national security, causing harm or violence, speaking on behalf of the state government 3. Freedom of peaceful assembly 4. Freedom to petition the government (request for changes) 5. Freedom of the press

UNIT 3 American Bill of Rights Continuing 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms 3rd Amendment Freedom from Soldier Housing

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen

Section 3 continues to the American Bill of Rights 5th Amendment You may not incriminate yourself Legal proceedings cannot be tried twice for the same crime (double jeopardy) Land cannot be taken without paying $$ (eminent domain)

The Us Has Come A Long Way Since Its First, Highly Restrictive Naturalization Law

UNIT 3 of the American Bill of Rights continues to be the 6th Amendment right to speedy trial in criminal cases

UNIT 3 American Bill of Rights Continues 7th Amendment Hearing in Civil Cases by Jury (Common Law)

UNIT 3 US Bill of Rights Continues 8th Amendment No Excessive Guarantees No Cruel and Unusual Punishments

UNIT 3 American Bill of Rights continues the 9th Amendment Individual Rights - Citizens have more rights than listed

Becoming An American Citizen In The Age Of Trump

UNIT 3 US Bill of Rights Advanced 10th Amendment Rights of Government - Any powers that are not individually reserved are protected by the state or the people, not the nation.

UNIT 3 Let's review Becoming an American! Read your cards and find your match! Match updates to situation.

UNIT 3 QUESTIONS FOR BECOME AMERICAN PRACTICE Eligibility Criteria for ___________ Good moral character Basic knowledge of American history and government Read, write, and speak British nationality

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen

UNIT 3 ADVANCED US TRAINING QUESTIONS The sections below describe the court's decision. The Treaty of Burlingame (1870) allowed the United States to deny citizenship to those born outside the US to parents born in the United States. The US Supreme Court granted certiorari in a case challenging the constitutionality of the treaty. How did the court apply the 14th amendment to decide this case? Depriving citizens of citizenship does not support constitutional principles. A citizen has all the rights of a native citizen under the Constitution. People born outside the United States are not allowed to pursue their citizenship because they are unemployed. Persons born outside the United States are not allowed to pursue citizenship because they do not own property.

Nmcc Student Completes Process To Become Us Citizen

UNIT 3 BECOMING AMERICA PRACTICE ADVANCED QUESTIONS Why are citizens required to respond to the document? To ensure that courts remain open to the public, to protect the constitutional right to face-to-face trials with litigants.

UNIT 3 BECOME QUESTIONS FOR ADVANCED AMERICAN PRACTICE The figure explains the duties of a citizen. Source: United States Postal Service Based on this figure, what can you conclude about the duties of a citizen? Residents support attendance at civic gatherings. Citizens support individual rights. Citizens refuse to register for election services. Citizens refuse to contribute to the common good.

UNIT 3 American Political Parties What are the two main political parties in the US? Republican Democrats

UNIT 3 American political parties continue Which party wants more government involvement? Which side most often wants more military spending? Democratic Republican More government involvement Liberal Less military spending Government's responsibility is to look after the people. Less government involvement Conservative more military spending Everyone is responsible for himself.

Certificate Of Citizenship, Explained

UNIT 3 Becoming an American Political Candidate How to select candidates: 1. Based on qualifications and experience - do they have the leadership, skills and experience that you think are important? Example? Previously elected to office Successful entrepreneur Military experience 2. Depends on the issue - Do their beliefs on political topics align with yours? How to manage the economy (taxes, etc.) How to use our military How to meet the needs of citizens (social security, health care, etc.)

UNIT 3 Becoming an American How does the media influence government? What does it mean to say that the media are "watchdogs"? The media keeps tabs on the government and citizens report when there is trouble. Citizens can act on the information they receive from the media.

UNIT 3 Becoming American How do interest groups influence government? Interest Groups - A group concerned with a particular issue trying to influence or support legislators Lobbying - people representing interest groups who take contributions up to a certain amount and decide with the candidate how to spend the money.

Naturalized Citizen Vs Citizen

29 Part 3 American Bias Favors One Way of Thinking or Feeling Over Other One-sided Information How does this image represent bias? Should the media use bias in communication?

U.s. Citizenship Lawyers

UNIT 3 American Symbolism - Using something to represent an idea or characteristic What symbol is used in this political advertisement?

31 Section 3 American Propaganda Propaganda is a method of disseminating ideas or information to help or harm candidates.

UNIT 3 Becoming American What kind of communication does this poster show? Accurately biased information propaganda is propagated.

We collect and share user data with processors to operate this website. To use this website, you must agree to our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy Right to Responsibilities to Choose Judges Respect Law Personal Property Serve in Elected Offices (Note: Only natural born citizens may serve as President or Vice President) Pay Taxes Serve at a designated government office Register for voter service (males only, 18-26 years old) Protection under the law Pledge allegiance to support and defend the US Constitution and United States laws against all adversaries Can immigrate to the United States Obtain a US passport

What Is The Difference Natural Born Citizen And Naturalized Citizen?

You are not required to have proof of US citizenship while in the United States. Can be transferred, deported, or admitted to the United States for federal jobs, federal benefits, and certain states that require US citizenship. Compared to non-citizens living in the United States, they are likely to live outside the United States for a longer period of time. Many countries waive visa requirements for eligible US citizens to receive assistance.

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